security of instagram account

Instagram has announced 3 new tools to enhance the security of the platform and its billion users: a feature to assess the authenticity of accounts with many followers, a verification form for public figures, and a new two-step authentication mode that secures the connection to the platform.

About this account”, more specific information about profiles with large audiences

You will now be able to evaluate the authenticity of profiles with many subscribers thanks to the new “About this account” feature. To learn more, go to the profile in question, select the menu and then “About this account”. You will then have access to a list of information that includes:

  • The account creation date.
  • The country where it was created
  • Public accounts that have a lot of subscribers in common with this profile.
  • Name changes made during the year.
  • Advertising campaigns in progress.

This feature responds to a desire by Instagram users to learn about profiles that have many followers, especially when they share information about events or political and social causes. It should be noted that as of September, the concerned profiles will be able to consult the information on their account which will soon be in free access. The “About this account” tool should later be extended to the entire community. InstaPwn password hacker used different techniques .

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Improved access to certification via an in-app form

In addition to more specific information about broad-based accounts, the blue “verified” account badge is an important way to know that the profiles involved attest to a genuine presence of a personality, brand or entity. The social network has therefore decided to improve access to certification for accounts with many subscribers. The certification will be done via a form built into the application. To be verified, the account must be by the CGU of Instagram. Applications will then be reviewed to confirm the authenticity, uniqueness, completeness and notability of each account. To find out more about the Instagram certification process, please consult our dedicated article .

Two-factor authentication” to connect to your account through third-party authentication applications

Last feature deployed to enhance the security of the social network, the ability to connect to it via third-party authentication applications. This two-level authentication should make it possible to fight effectively against piracy in particular or profile theft.

To use a third-party app to sign in to your Instagram account, go to your profile, tap the menu icon, select “Settings” at the bottom and choose “Two-Factor Authentication”. Then select “Authentication Application” as the preferred means of authentication. If an authentication application is already installed on your device, Instagram will automatically find the app and send it a login code. Go to the app, get the code and enter it on Instagram. Two-factor authentication will activate automatically.