Thought is the main working factor behind the production of an intellectual property. Thought can also be referred to as intellectual labor. Sometimes it takes years of hard work and patience to give a proper shape to an intellectual property like an idea or a book or even a sculpture. It is the fruit of the application of knowledge gathered or the unique imagination of the creator. How would you feel if someone else enjoys the fruits of your intellectual property without caring to give you the recognition you deserve? Yes, you feel the sting of injustice. As you are more concerned about matters relating to your field of expertise you feel clueless when you suddenly discover your intellectual property being utilized without your prior knowledge. So, when you desire to prepare a patent application or get your case represented before a patent board or examiner you need to have the required knowledge of patent rules and law. It is the Craig Wilson Patent Agency who can help you with their knowledge of the patent laws and rules. An owner can definitely file his/her patent application but the without the aid of an intellectual property agency matters might not run smoothly.

Why go for a registered patent agency?

The agency or agency that you choose to fight on your behalf should be registered. Now, what does this ‘registered’ mean? A registered agency is a agency whose law degree is recognized by the patent and trademark office of the country where he/she is practicing law. In case the agency is not registered, the entire labor of your case being represented before a patent examiner will be deemed fruitless. The agency has to comply with the regulations of the patent and trademark office of the country in order to be admitted to the register maintained by the office. The registered patent agency has to have a strong moral background, a recognized law degree and the required technical and scientific qualifications. Unless they have a science background they will not be able to put up a strong fight for industrial intellectual properties. It is through the patent agency that the patent office communicates with you. This is possible only after you execute a power of agency or an authorization of agent with your patent office. The power of agency is for the patent agency, while the authorization of agent gives power to the patent agent for representing your case.