MRI is a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of organs, tissues, bones, and other structures inside the body. The use of MRI scans is used for diagnosing a variety of medical conditions. If you have never had an MRI scan before intimidating or confusing. Understand the basic of easing your worries and preparing you for what to expect during the procedure. Preparing for an MRI scan is to inform your doctor if you have metal implants in your body such as pacemakers, cochlear implants, or metal fragments from previous injuries. These objects interfere with the MRI’s magnetic field and potentially cause harm. Arrive at the imaging center or hospital where the scan will take place and ask to change into a hospital gown and remove any jewelry or clothing that contains metal. You will then lie down on a table that slides into a large cylindrical machine called a Hitachi MRI in New Jersey. Remain still for up to 30 minutes while multiple images are taken. Some people may find the loud banging noises made by the machine during this time disturbing. Several noise-reducing devices may be provided, including earplugs and headphones with music.

Hudson Regional Hospital is First to Offer Hitachi Oasis 1.2T High-Field  Open MRI in the New York Metro Area -

MRI scans use a combination of magnetic fields and radio waves to manipulate hydrogen atoms in your body’s tissues. Hydrogen atoms are present in most biological molecules as water and fats. Hydrogen atoms emit signals detected by special sensors inside the scan machine. Different frequencies of radio waves and varying magnetic fields throughout the scan process. The data collected from these signals are processed by computer software. A detailed view of your internal structures, such as your heart and liver. Images be viewed in multiple planes doctors to see the body from different angles. These scans are considered safe and painless for most patients. Some potential risks associated with them such as allergic reactions to contrast dyes used in some types. It is possible injury from objects missed during a pre-scan screening process. People may feel claustrophobic or anxious during the scan to its enclosed nature. The space and noise of traditional closed scanners are a concern for you to options such as sedation or open MRI machines.