There is a new breed of door locks that entered the scene of late. These are the smart locks and systems. A smartphone acts as the key for this type of door lock. You get remote access to your home from almost anywhere across the globe. These locks are often not plain locks only. Most of these smart locks are part of a full system of video and audio monitoring. These systems have smart features that give you ultimate control over home security. For convenience, a regular locksmith Fort Lauderdale installs a keyhole along with the smart locks. These are usually included for the traditional key. It is more practical to use this when you come home rather than use a connected app to unlock the door. There are three main types of smart door locks. These are Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Z-Wave.


This is the most common connection for most smart locks. These kinds connect to your smartphone via Bluetooth. There is no need for any hub between the two to make the connection. Bluetooth offers some exciting features. These include the auto-sense feature. The smart lock senses your Bluetooth device when it is within range. It then unlocks on its own, so you get to save time and effort. The only disadvantage of this connection is that you cannot control it once you are out of range. 

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Wi-Fi is another common connection option. It is usually offered by most smart lock manufacturers for their systems. This connection lets you control your device from almost anywhere in the world. This is as long as you have an internet connection. You can let someone in your home even when you are not around by using your device. Wi-Fi smart locks tend to drain batteries a lot faster than those enabled by Bluetooth. You need to change batteries every month or so. 


You need a hub for these kinds of locks. You can then connect to the lock using your mobile device which is internet-connected. It is some sort of a hybrid of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi smart locks. You need to be within a specific range from the hub for these smart locks to work. It is best to use signal range extenders if you need help to strengthen the signal. A standard locksmith in Pembroke Pines usually recommends this if you are unable to have the hub within range.

Although smart locks are very convenient, they also have some disadvantages. As with any digital technology, some people can hack these locks. It is still most ideal to have a backup physical lock to prevent intruders. Traditional physical locks can keep unwanted people out even when they already hacked the smart locks. A lot of people prefer smart locks because the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. Smart locks provide added security by letting you use a camera to see and record who is at the door. These locks are also very convenient since you can operate them with remote access. Some smart locks allow voice recognition, so you can give voice commands to lock, unlock, and watch the door.